Friday, September 10, 2010

spash park numero dos

on a lovely afternoon we decided to hit up the splash park, again. this time finn was brave. this time he was king of the jungle & nothing was going to stop him from ruling his roost.


remember how nervous we were about his hearing those first few months... maybe you don't -we didn't really mention it to many people, but we were. we thought he was to some extent deaf. he failed his hearing test. they rescheduled us for the more extensive testing & he passed with flying colors. this child can hear things that i barely hear. from inside he'll hear a plane flying overhead & run to the window or door to see it. he'll hear a horn from i don't know where & repeat it's sound. doo doooo. this kid is with it i tell ya.
waiting patiently for the bigger kids to go through.
trying to get him to come through... but he's just not sure...
so he runs the other way!

so after playing on the other section i try. and i'm a little more forcefull & basically push him through.
but he goes!!!!
& then he keeps going through. & through. & through!
see, brave. roarrrrrrrrrrr!

look at this cute scrunchy face!!!

trying to save the lady that kept getting dumped on.
sweet kisses for daddy.
to cute.
another pane!!!!! we live 5 minutes from the airport & this is a few blocks away from our house, so this happened about every 10 minutes.
i tried to get some kisses but, he wasn't into it.
oh happy boy. in his element.


ruth said...

Are those Baby Keens on his feet? Finn is tooo cute!!!

megan said...

yes those are baby keens... working at rei has it's advantages :)

Luann said...

Looks like a fabulous family day! It is wonderful to hear that he can hear so wonderfully!