Monday, December 5, 2011

thoughtful gifts

my dear friend carolyn, from silver bay sent us a lil care package.

back story. our last night in new york it rained. carolyn had taken us out to eat at the country club & on the way out she let finn use her umbrella. he'd never seen one before, let alone used one! so strange living in a desert! anyways, he loved it. he had so much fun. he asked about the umbella for several days after.

i opened the box & laughed. there was no name, but i knew who it was from. the next day we got another package, this time a cute lil toy for maya with a note from carolyn. i hid the umbrella & waited for the next rain. luckily, just a week or two later it did! so i excitedly gave him the umbrella & since our storms don't last that long we didn't even have time to put clothes on!!! i heart this picture. friends on facebook think i should turn it into a greeting card. tehee.

Front: "Rain or shine..." Inside: "You always dress the part."

Front: "The bad weather..." Inside: "Is BEHIND you."

hope you're having a great day!


Denise said...

You definitely have a Halmark card! I like the behind" one!

Luann said...

he he he those are adorable!