Wednesday, March 17, 2010

love this!

Not sure when you stop thinking dandelions are beautiful, but figures it's somewhere around the time you get a job & can afford lawn chemicals
brian andreas

that was my daily quote from finn & i went for a walk today because it's beautiful & because if we're inside i feel obligated to do some work & he was too fussy for that at the moment. our walk lasted 5 minutes before i turned around to get the camera. we walked straight back to this yard & i plopped him down. it was too freaken appropriate. i've seen some neighbors painstakingly spraying to avoid having this grow in their yard. i think they're nuts- this is such a beautiful thing to wake up to everyday. (now- i don't know if they're native or not & that could change my argument completely.) but for now. let's just giggle together at how adorable my son is.

my favorite from our session.

exploring flowers...

okay, mom. i think i'm done. come get me.

i hope you have a wonderful st.patricks day. i'm off to work at rei :)

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