Wednesday, April 11, 2012

you're in for it.

it's been awhile since i've written on this blog. i've written, but not really WRITTEN. some might read that as rant & i will agree with you on this specific post.

socialism. welfare. unemployment. school meal assistance. abortions. planned parenthood. the rich. the greedy. the poor. christians. homosexuals. equal rights. "war on women". rick santorum. mitt romney. barack obama.

these things go through my mind quite often. on rapid fire, really.

i believe that people are inherently good. i believe how they were raised affects the depth of one's character A LOT.  i have two beautiful children & that means i have two HHHHHUGE responsibilities. i want to raise my babies to be kind, thoughtful, motivated, brave & happy.  not in any particular order, but i do wish those 5 things for my kids.

this past saturday we went with friends to their neighborhood easter egg hunt. my 2.5 year old is a high energy, loveable kid. so before we went i explained to him that if a smaller child was going for the same egg he needed to let that kid have it & maybe even help him put it in their basket.  because in my mind i saw him tearing through the ropes, gobbling up all the eggs & possibly knocking a few babies down in the process, not intentionally, but blinded by excitement & well, let's face it greed. even though that's an UGLY word to apply to a toddler, who doesn't yet know what that means. 

he said "okay mommy" & patiently waited until they called the 3 & unders. the discussion was moot because we had our own section of the field to ourselves & no one to knock down or compete with for the eggs, but i'm still glad i had that discussion with finn. i hope i planted a little seed of helping the next guy out.

a grandmother was next to me as i was reminding him of our conversation & she softly said "you're a good mother." i'm a girl that's always ready for an affirmation, but that was lovely to hear.

in the back of mind after she said that i wondered what a few of my friends (with opposing views) would have said:
- you're raising a little socialist.
- nothing wrong with greed, it's what makes a person successful.
- are you intentionally limiting his success?
- hippy!
- by helping that other kid out he'll never learn to do it for himself & always want a handout.

it's so amazing to me how different people are.

i constantly struggle with the reality that i consider myself an open minded person.  i wish everyone freedom to do & believe as they want. (except for harming another, duh)

until it differs from my opinion.  but, then i'm no different than my polar opposites who wish to keep women from making extremely personal choices for themselves or people who happen to love the "wrong sex" from having every opportunity at happiness as those that love the "right sex".

the difference is i'm not stopping those individuals from pursuing what makes them happy. i'm not trying to pass laws telling them what they are doing is criminal.  they are welcome to live their life... but they need to stop telling me & my friends how to live ours!

shew. one rant down.

socialism. i've not done much research on this topic. honestly,  i'm compelled to like the idea of it because of the people that don't like it. i would love to take a class on it. to be really educated so i can defend it properly. but it doesn't seem like such a bad idea.  i'm not saying this because i want a handout from the 1%. i'm a partner in a middle class family & damn proud of it. wouldn't want to be in any other class. don't want the super fancy cars, but one that's safe & attractive & preferably a wagon.  (one day!)  don't really have a need for a second house- unless it's up on lake george with my friends & family.  i think people lose touch on what's important once they cross certain thresholds & too much money changes a person. that being said -go lil honey bee & get as much honey as you think you need to be happy.

i believe in paying it back or forward or in whatever direction it needs to go to help those less fortunate.  you can call them a hand out if you want.

i believe in a woman's intention & right to make a decision without being bombarded with religious mental abuse.

i'm not really for abortions. i hate the idea of a beautiful child not getting a chance to live it's life. but, i personally believe that that baby will be born eventually just not in that body.  & had that child been born into a world where it's own mother & father didn't believe they could care for it... it's chances of a happy, healthy & safe childhood are pretty low. 

i also believe that since children are born into situations & families that aren't ideal, meaning low income or abuse or neglect, etc that we sure as hell have a responsibility to help them. feed them. nurture them & give them whatever little "hand out" we can so they have a fighting chance.

that's why i'm for gov't funded assistance (& health insurance covering birth control). it's not the perfect answer, but it sure as hell beats no answer.  those children didn't sit on a sideline & jump up & down saying "me, pick me for this awful childhood!!!"   so, if you're not going to be part of the preventative solution then you better be ready to put your heart, money & energy into helping them up & out of that situation. because if you don't you are cruel.

the whole argument on gay rights is freaken ridiculous.  i'm so baffled as to why someone loving someone is wrong.  if they are lucky enough to find someone they want to love & be with & deal with the high's & low's this life brings... then LET THEM.  why does it matter to you anyways?

kay. i should get back to work while i have a babysitter here! i'd love to discuss this further so please leave constructive comments :)

hope you have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

The Chaser said...

I agree Miss Megan. We need more respect in the world, we need more love for one another, and we need to stop judging each other based on our lives when we don't know other people's situations.

Love ya!
